Friday, March 16, 2007

Beth Buck Head Explodes

Sierra Madre online media mogul, Beth Buck, head
exploded only moments after cashing her
$ 9,500 check for leading the fight to defeat
Measure V.

Jim Snider, a close family friend witnessed the accident.

"As like every week, Bethy Poo was royally pissed off at the Mt. Wilson Observer, but this time she was really upset about being exposed for her family business taking money to help defeat Measure V. She said nobody would take her serious again as a journalist, which was kind of funny, because nobody ever took her serious. "
"Anyway, I told her that I'd post another picture of Aunt Jemima to make fun of the African American who runs the paper, but she wouldn't listen to me. She started foaming at the mouth, her eyes bulged out and then was brain matter all over the place. Granted, it wasn't much brain matter, but it was "unbiased", said Snider.
After two seconds of silence at the February Council meeting, Mayor Buckhannon, peering over his glasses, eyes darting back and forth, he chimed, "Beth was important, mostly to herself, but she was important, at least that what's she kept saying to me everytime we spoke. She say, "John, I am important." I knew at some point her big ego was going to explode that head of hers. I'd say I'm going to miss her, but....."
The California Association of Realtors issued a brief statement, "Ms. Buck has been instrumental in helping our association donate large sums of money to defeat Measure V and we will miss Ms. Buck's unbiased and balanced reporting of issues that affect our ability to overcrowd Sierra Madre, like we give a crap about Sierra Madre's future. She was a great friend to our cause."